About: Transferring your Number


Keeping your number when you move from one phone service provider to another is called “porting” and it’s an easy process. Both mobile numbers and landlines can be ported.

Submitting a Port Request

To transfer your number, you’ll need to keep your existing service active and request that your current number be transferred over to us.

You can do this at one of our stores if you’re activating a new service, or with Customer Care if you already have service active.

To make the request, you will need to have the following information about the account with your current provider (we suggest using a bill from them):

  1. Your phone number

  2. Account number

  3. Name of the account holder

  4. Billing address

Important: DO NOT cancel your current phone number – we will take care of that for you when we transfer your number.

While your port request is pending, you’ll have a temporary phone number with access to all features/services included in your plan. 

If all the information is correct, transferring a mobile number will take 1-3 hours of the request being submitted. Transferring a landline number will takes 3-5 working business days. We’ll send you a text message once your number has transferred to Freedom Mobile.

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Keeping your Number Safe

Once a transfer request is submitted for your number, you'll receive either an SMS or email from your current service provider to authorize the transfer.

You’ll need to keep your phone powered on with your current service provider’s SIM card active to receive the authorization SMS. If you plan to use an eSIM with your Freedom service, we recommend waiting until your port request is complete before setting up your eSIM. Learn more About: eSIM

Once you receive the SMS, respond “Yes” to complete the transfer or “No” to cancel the transfer request. If you do not respond to the SMS or email within 90 minutes the transfer request will cancel automatically.

If you didn’t receive an authorization SMS or email, you’ll need to contact your service provider to authorize the transfer.

Important: Beginning November 16, 2020, Port Protection will be replaced by the authorization process mentioned above.

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Porting Limitations

Although it's generally an easy process to port your number, there are a few factors that might prevent it.

For example, if you've already disconnected your service with your previous provider, then that number won't be yours to take with you anymore. Also, your current number must have an area code that is available within our subscription area. Check out our coverage map for details.

One of our representatives can also help you to determine this if you are not sure. Contact us for more information.

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iMessage & RCS after a Port

If you’re porting your number, we recommend setting up iMessage and RCS after your number has successfully transferred over.

If you’re also switching from an iPhone to an Android or vice versa, remember to deregister iMessage or disable RCS respectively, to ensure your messaging service is not interrupted when changing devices.

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