Coverage Map

Freedom now provides coverage across 99% of the Canadian population. Check our coverage map to see if Freedom Mobile services are available near you. Select 'Coverage Details' for information on our 5G+, 5G, LTE, and Nationwide partner networks.

Our services and rate plans are designed for you to use predominantly within the subscription area.

The coverage area is an approximation of the actual wireless service available and is subject to change. The level of voice and data service while within the coverage area may vary due to terrain, foliage, technical capacity, or weather conditions. Freedom Mobile cannot guarantee service availability.

For further details on coverage, please select ‘Coverage Details’ above.

Subscription Area

If you reside in this area, you can purchase Freedom services. Service in this area may be provided by Freedom or our Nationwide partners. Freedom services and rate plans are designed to be used predominantly in our subscription area. Learn more about the Fair Usage Policy.

Coverage Area

Our nationwide plans provide coast-to-coast coverage whether you’re connected to Freedom or our Nationwide partner network. For details about your plan, log into My Account.

Nationwide plans.

Freedom’s nationwide plans offer data, talk and text that you can use across Canada, starting at $10/mo., with Digital Discount3.

Growing 5G and 5G+ network.

Experience lightning-fast speeds from our 5G+ and 5G network that will transform how you both work and play.

Enjoy more Freedom with Wi-Fi.

Connect with Freedom Wi-Fi and enjoy access to over 100,000 hotspots across Western Canada.

We’ve got your transit commute covered.

Stay connected on Toronto’s TTC Subway and Vancouver’s SkyTrain with a Freedom Phone LineTM.